UD beachside event May 20-23 features social activities and educational programming
The University of Delaware’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) will host UD by the Sea, an educational and social event for adults age 50-plus in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, May 20-23.
Registration is open to the public and the UD community as well as former and current OLLI members.
The event features a variety of social activities and the following learning tracks:
- Delaware Goes to Space — Delaware’s first astronaut, NASA satellite data, visiting UD Global Visualization Lab and more!
- Evolutionary Ecology — Local habitats, horseshoe crabs, James Farm Ecological Preserve on Indian River Bay
- Healthy Eating, Healthy World — Scientific and practical information about food and lifestyle choices that affect individual and planet health; cooking demo and lunch
- Local Artists and Galleries — Visits to Rehoboth Art League, Lewes art galleries; local artist presentations
- Crafts Potpourri — Basket-weaving basics, paper quilling and more
- The People Who Worked in Lewes — Three centuries of Lewes history with visits to East End lighthouse, Lightship Overfalls and more
- Gardening in Delaware — Visits to Lewes Community Gardens, Delaware Botanical Gardens; Master Gardener presentation
- International Affairs Nexus — Guest experts from U.S. government, academia and more
UD by the Sea 2025 takes place at the Atlantic Sands Hotel and Conference Center in Rehoboth. The $225-$275 fee includes educational programming, continental breakfasts and social activities. Participants are responsible for accommodations.
UD’s OLLI program is a learning cooperative for adults 50 and over to take and teach classes together with no grades or exams. Each fall and spring semester, over 300 courses are offered in Wilmington, Newark, Dover, Lewes, Ocean View and online.
For details or to register for UD by the Sea 2025, please visit https://www.olli.udel.edu/ud-by-the-sea/.