Fall 2024 OLLI Digital Catalog

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4 courses

Graphic of Delaware with Sussex County Highlighted

Lewes (Trinity Faith Education Building): September 4, 2024 to October 2, 2024

Wednesday at 1:00 PM

Always wanted to weave a basket but didn’t know how? Now’s your chance. This class is designed for people new to basket weaving. Whether you have never woven a basket or have made just a few, come join us. We will help you learn basic weaving techniques as you weave one or two baskets during the five-week period. Basket kits and supplies are prepared for each member at cost. There will be an additional fee to cover materials.

Taught by: Karen Schaub, Maurice McGrath, Harriett Smith

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Graphic of Delaware with Sussex County Highlighted

Lewes (Trinity Faith Education Building): October 16, 2024 to November 13, 2024

Wednesday at 1:00 PM

A hands-on class for experienced weavers to work independently creating baskets of their choosing while learning new techniques and chatting with other weavers. The instructors are available to help with the weaving process and questions. Students may bring their own basket and supplies to class, or the instructors can guide the students in selecting and purchasing basket kits and/or supplies to be made in class. Weavers pay for ordered supplies at cost. There will be an additional fee to cover materials.

Taught by: Karen Schaub, Maurice McGrath, Harriett Smith

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Graphic of Delaware with Sussex County Highlighted

Ocean View Community Center Community Center: September 18, 2024 to October 16, 2024

Wednesday at 10:00 AM

Both beginners and experienced card makers are welcome. This course teaches techniques to produce lovely cards to lift spirits and celebrate all occasions. Most tools and supplies are provided. Please note the additional fee mentioned above. Additional fee: Materials fee of $10, payable to instructor.

Taught by: Charlene Jehle

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Graphic of Delaware with Sussex County Highlighted

Lewes (Trinity Faith Education Building): September 4, 2024 to November 13, 2024

Wednesday at 9:00 AM

Painting styles and techniques of famous artists will be presented in lecture format followed by class participants creating an acrylic painting in the style of the featured artist. Every two weeks a new artist will be discussed. Materials and supplies must be brought to class by the student. Prerequisite: Experienced painter in acrylics.

Taught by: Nancy Horan

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