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Spring late registration & drop/add is available March 17-April 4, 2025 — click here for details
Course outlines/syllabi — Click here to view spring syllabi & course outlines (available for most courses)
R – Physical Sciences and Math
Why should E=mc2? Does this equation only apply to atomic bombs and nuclear reactions? Can a person travel to a distant star and return home within a lifetime? Is time travel possible? What is the total energy in the universe? Potential answers to such questions are found in the Special and General Theories of Relativity. This course explores the logic behind these theories. It is structured as a combination of lectures and relevant videos. A minimal amount of high school algebra is used.
This offering meets for a total of 13 session(s).
INSTRUCTOR: Charley Carter
CARTER, CHARLEY–Electrical engineering degrees, North Carolina State University. Interests include electronics, physics, computers, computer networks, electric vehicles and brewing beer. Retired in 2015 after a 43-year career in research and development organizations.