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SUMMER SELECTIONS QUICK LINKS Summer Selections general infoOLLI home page | Questions? Email olli-online@udel.edu
WEEKLY OFFERINGS Full Session: June 17-July 27 | Week 1: June 17-20 | Week 2: June 24-27 | Week 3: July 8-11 | Week 4: July 15-18 | Week 5: July 22-27

Tree Club (X214)

X – Extracurricular

Graphic of Delaware with New Castle County Highlighted

Wilmington (Arsht Hall) | June 18, 2024-July 23, 2024

Tuesday: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM

Summer Tree Club will be an outdoor activity. We will be updating our tree census, tree well being status, as well as the tree signage. Get to know our trees and contribute to the campus in the process.

Available as a full-session offering, or as part of Summer Selections weekly packages. Each session can be enjoyed as a standalone.

This offering meets for a total of 5 session(s).

INSTRUCTORS: Gerald Hapka, Jim Hainer

HAPKA, GERALD–B.S., pharmacy, University of Wisconsin; J.D., University of Wisconsin. Retired from DuPont and Pew Center for Global Climate Change. Now pursuing hobbies in photography and fly fishing. Looking to share interests in computers, photography and beyond.

HAINER, JIM–M.D., Marquette University, internal medicine and MPH, University of Washington. Pharmaceutical industry cardiovascular clinical research and development. Hobbies include wooden boat building, repair of neglected wooden furniture, and trees.

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