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Spring late registration & drop/add is available March 17-April 4, 2025 — click here for details
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Q – Health and Wellness
A heart attack at age 70 turned Greet’s life upside down and led her to study and teach about her experience. Now, with a Cornell Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition, this retired clergywoman has written an online course, a book GO VEG WITH CLASS, blogs about her journey, and teaches free classes to community groups including 10 years as an instructor at the Osher Lifelong Learning at the University of Delaware in Lewes. The online course gives viewers the tools and knowledge to embrace Plant-Based eating for personal and planetary health. Recipes are included as well as a comprehensive interview with longtime local practitioners of Plant-Based eating, Barbee and John Kiker.
This offering meets for a total of 6 session(s).
INSTRUCTOR: Dorothy Greet
GREET, DOROTHY—A heart attack inspired this retired clergywoman to earn an e-Cornell certificate in plant-based nutrition. Enjoys teaching about the extraordinary personal and global health benefits of whole food, plant-based eating and the damaging impact of the western diet. Recently published book titled “Go Veg With Class.”