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WEEKLY OFFERINGS Full Session: June 17-July 27 | Week 1: June 17-20 | Week 2: June 24-27 | Week 3: July 8-11 | Week 4: July 15-18 | Week 5: July 22-27

All News All the Time (S265)

S – Economics, Finance and Political Science

Graphic of a computer

Online (On-demand)

Join two career national journalists and explore changes in American news media through their lens inside all-news broadcast journalism since the 1980s, after the birth of NPR and CNN. Presenters Liane Hansen (former NPR) and Ralph Begleiter (former CNN) share personal perspectives from within the first nationwide all-news organizations, and offer observations about how media changes have affected American democracy and public perceptions of world affairs.

This is a pre-recorded class to be viewed on your own schedule. Viewing links are emailed to participants.

INSTRUCTOR: Ralph Begleiter

BEGLEITER, RALPH–M.S., journalism, Columbia University; B.A., political science, Brown University. Former CNN world affairs correspondent (1981-1999) and professor of communication at the University of Delaware (1999-2017), and founding director of UD’s Center for Political Communication.

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