OLLI Digital Catalog
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WEEKLY OFFERINGS Full Session: June 17-July 27 | Week 1: June 17-20 | Week 2: June 24-27 | Week 3: July 8-11 | Week 4: July 15-18 | Week 5: July 22-27

Artificial Intelligence and the News Media (S274)

S – Economics, Finance and Political Science

Graphic of a computer

Online (On-demand)

Artificial intelligence (AI), envisioned more than 70 years ago, is achieving significant successes almost on a weekly basis. These rapid advances are made possible by machine learning, a type of AI that enables computers to learn new capabilities without traditional programming. In addition to chatbots and self-driving cars, this course explores medical advances made possible through AI, as well as concerns for civil liberties and public discourse posed by uncontrolled technology.

This is a pre-recorded class to be viewed on your own schedule. Viewing links are emailed to participants.

INSTRUCTOR: Ralph Begleiter

BEGLEITER, RALPH–M.S., journalism, Columbia University; B.A., political science, Brown University. Former CNN world affairs correspondent (1981-1999) and professor of communication at the University of Delaware (1999-2017), and founding director of UD’s Center for Political Communication.

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