OLLI Digital Catalog
SUMMER SELECTIONS QUICK LINKS Summer Selections general infoOLLI home page | Questions? Email olli-online@udel.edu
WEEKLY OFFERINGS Full Session: June 17-July 27 | Week 1: June 17-20 | Week 2: June 24-27 | Week 3: July 8-11 | Week 4: July 15-18 | Week 5: July 22-27

Healthy Aging: New Science of Longevity (P905)

P – Life Sciences

Wilmington (Arsht Hall) | June 18, 2024-July 23, 2024

Tuesday: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM

This is a hybrid course. One section meets on site at the location listed; and one section meets online only.

The biological processes that determine how our bodies age has become a major area of research. We will review the current science, as summarized in Dr. Michael Greger’s recent book How Not to Age, and ideas that we can use to slow the processes of aging, and stay healthier for longer.

This offering meets for a total of 5 session(s).

INSTRUCTORS: Linda Kellogg, Reid Kellogg

KELLOGG, LINDA–B.A., Wilson College. Career in family retail business and now OLLI volunteer. Forks Over Knives plant-based cooking certificate, 2020.

KELLOGG, REID–Ph.D., chemistry, Northwestern University; B.S., Franklin & Marshall College. Thirty years with DuPont in research and marketing. Plant-based practitioner since 2010 and avid golfer.

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