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P – Life Sciences
Wilmington (Arsht Hall) | February 3, 2025-May 5, 2025
Monday: 12:45 PM-2:00 PM
Will we find life on Mars? On Europa? Why does sex exist? Why do we die? These are all great questions for discussion. Our answers today are incomplete, but also quite sophisticated. Nick Lane’s book, Life Ascending, is our guide. Class meetings involve discussion in small groups with subsequent reporting to the class as a whole. A background in science helps, but is not necessary. Nick Lane is a skilled storyteller and the collective backgrounds of class members are a rich resource.
Check to see if this course has posted a class outline or syllabus (LINK COMING SOON).
This offering meets for a total of 13 session(s).
INSTRUCTOR: Robert Ketcham
KETCHAM, ROBERT–Found the most satisfying part of teaching in the University of Delaware biology department to be creating laboratories for non-science majors and believes that big ideas in biology have advanced dramatically in our lifetime. Enjoys keeping up with those ideas through reading and discussion.