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WEEKLY OFFERINGS Full Session: June 17-July 27 | Week 1: June 17-20 | Week 2: June 24-27 | Week 3: July 8-11 | Week 4: July 15-18 | Week 5: July 22-27

Stories By Nobel Laureate Alice Munro (H900)

H – Literature

Lewes (Trinity Faith Education Building) | June 18, 2024-July 16, 2024

Tuesday: 12:45 PM-2:00 PM

This is a hybrid course. One section meets on site at the location listed; and one section meets online only.

Discussion of the art and thematic preoccupations of the Canadian short story master Alice Munro in five challenging tales: Family Furnishings, The Bear Came Over the Mountain, Chance, Soon, and Silence. Attendees should have read and mulled the first story listed above by the first meeting of class so we can start a dialogue when we gather. I look forward to hearing the range of reactions her work elicits.

This offering meets for a total of 4 session(s).


ZAK, WILLIAM–Ph.D., English literature, University of Michigan; M.A., Lehigh University; B.A., Boston College. Retired from a 30-year teaching career in the Department of English of Salisbury University. Author of several books on Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets, Greek tragedy, and, most recently, a study of Robert Frost’s major poetry, published in 2022 by Lexington Books.

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