Fall 2024 OLLI Digital Catalog

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Registration for second 5-week classes reopens 10/7 — Click here for details!
Course outlines/syllabi — Click here to view fall syllabi & course outlines
(available for most courses)

Artificial Intelligence and the News Media (S274)

S – Economics, Finance and Political Science

Graphic of a computer

Online (On-demand: view on your own schedule)

Advances in computer software — broadly known as ‘artificial intelligence’ — raise prospects of dramatically increasing productivity and knowledge sharing, affecting many aspects of life including work, learning, art and culture. This course explores effects of artificial intelligence on how news is gathered, presented and consumed by journalists and the public and manipulated by governments and others. The course also covers how world affairs could be affected by AI-prompted changes in journalism. View this class on your own schedule. Viewing link is emailed to participants prior to the semester start.

Check to see if this course has posted a class outline or syllabus.

INSTRUCTOR: Ralph Begleiter

BEGLEITER, RALPH–M.S., journalism, Columbia University; B.A., political science, Brown University. Former CNN world affairs correspondent (1981-1999) and professor of communication at the University of Delaware (1999-2017) and founding director of UD’s Center for Political Communication.

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