Any OLLI location closures, or class cancellations or delays will be detailed on this webpage.
At this time, all OLLI programs, classes and locations are running as normally scheduled, both in-person and online.
Even when the OLLI program is open, members should come to campus only if they personally judge that it is safe to do so.
General information about OLLI cancellations or closures
When the University of Delaware is officially closed, all activities at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) locations are canceled also.
However, the OLLI program may independently cancel classes or activities, or close locations, even when the University is officially open, depending on circumstances or weather conditions relevant for each OLLI location.
In addition to this website, information sources to learn about OLLI closures or delays include:
Even when the OLLI program is open, members should come to campus only if they personally judge that it is safe to do so.